
Lesbian Day of Visibility Still Matters

By Kelly Degg

"L" is at the beginning of "LGBT+," I hear you say; what more visibility do lesbians need? However, perceptions of our community are tarred by stereotypes. Lesbian Day of Visibility remains an important opportunity to celebrate the diversity in our community and to challenge stereotypes of what it means to be LGBT+.

There remains a need for strong lesbian role models in the work place, in government and in our communities; lesbians of colour, lesbians who fought alongside early activists for liberation, disabled lesbians and trans and non-binary lesbians. Giving a platform to these role models, all of them with different stories, identities and nationalities, each an important part of our community, reminds us that we are all valid. That's why this week remains an important celebration, even today.

Emma Beard, Business and Partnership Manager at Salford Pride said:

“For me, it’s so important that young LGBT+ people have better experiences than those of my generation.  We need to promote safe places for young people to be who they are without fear.”


LGBT+ people will continue to go through the challenges of self-discovery and a world in which their identities are represented will be a better world for everyone. We all need to feel valid and appreciated. There is nothing more debilitating than the feeling of being alone. That’s why it's so important to feel that you are part of a community. 

Stand up and send a message to all LGBT+ people still on that journey of self-discovery and remind them that we stand together, and we are a community of love.